





Studio News

Petal 6 - Equity


The Equity Petal: Fostering Inclusivity and Social Equity in Architectural Design

The Equity Petal of the Living Building Challenge highlights the significance of creating inclusive and equitable spaces through architectural design. As architects, we bear the responsibility of designing environments that are accessible, fair, and supportive to individuals from all walks of life.Within this petal, programs like JUST have been instrumental in promoting social equity. Tennent Brown have been certified since 2017, becoming JUST members. Through rigorous assessment and verification, this has demonstrated our commitment to diversity, pay equity, employee well-being, and community engagement. This serves as catalyst, training our LBC project teams and clients to become JUST members and fostering equity across the industry.

Inclusive design is a core principle, ensuring that spaces are accessible to individuals with disabilities, the elderly, and people of all socioeconomic backgrounds. By incorporating universal design principles, we create environments that are usable by everyone, removing barriers and promoting equal opportunities. Addressing affordable housing is another key aspect of the Equity Petal. Community engagement and collaboration play significant roles in achieving equity. By involving the community in the design process, we ensure that their perspectives are heard and integrated. This participatory approach empowers clients and their teams in fostering a sense of ownership and creating spaces that truly meet the community's needs.

The Equity Petal of the Living Building Challenge highlights the importance of designing inclusive and equitable spaces. Through initiatives like JUST certification, inclusive design principles, and community engagement, we can contribute to a more equitable built environment that embraces diversity and enhances the well-being of all individuals.