#8 Solar Farms 22.05.20 Any scenario for reversing global warming includes a massive ramp up of solar panels by mid-century.
#7 Family Planning 21.05.20 For women to have children by choice rather than chance and to plan their family size and spacing is a matter of autonomy and dignity. Family planning can also have ripple effects on drawing down greenhouse gas emissions...
#5 Tropical Forest Restoration 18.05.20 When we lose forests primarily to agricultural expansion or human settlement carbon dioxide discharges into the atmosphere. Tropical forest loss alone is responsible for 16-19 percent of greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activity...
#4 Plant Rich Diet 15.05.20 If 50% of the world’s population restricts their diet to a healthy 2,500 calories a day and reduces meat consumption overall, we estimate at least 26.7 gigatonnes of emissions could be avoided from dietary change alone.
#3 Reduced Food Waste 07.05.20 One of the great miracles of life on this planet is the creation of food... The food we waste contributes roughly 8 percent of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.
#2 Wind Turbines 05.05.20 Onshore wind turbines generate electricity at a utility scale, comparable to power plants. They replace fossil fuels with emissions-free electricity.
#1 Refrigerants 01.05.20 In October 2016 officials from more than 170 countries gathered in Kigali, Rwanda to negotiate a deal to address the problem of CFCs. John Kerry has said it is, “the biggest thing we can do (for climate) in one giant swoop”.
Drawdown 30.04.20 "I strongly recommend you buy this book, Drawdown, and read it cover to cover like I have." Ewan Brown, Director, Tennent Brown Architects